The following scoring system will be used:
- The overall Club Championship score will be calculated as the sum of scores from:
- 2 Club Races,
- 3 Time Trials (cycling, swimming and running), and
- a bonus for competing in any Eastern Region League race.
- Points: In the club races and time trials, the first boy or girl in each age group will be rewarded 50 points, the second will receive 47 points, 45 point for 3rd, etc. In addition, all juniors will receive 50 points if they compete in an Eastern Region League race. This means there is a maximum of 300 points. Note: for the Rob McLean, only club members will be considered when calculating an athlete’s position.
- Club Races: The best two scores from the three races club races (Rob McLean Triathlon, Junior Club Duathlon & Club Aquathlon) will be taken. Note: this means that anyone taking part in all three races has a better chance of doing well.
- Time Trials: During the year there will be six time trials, two for each discipline (swimming, running and cycling). The best score from each discipline will be used in the overall score. Note that you must participate in one of the two time trials to receive points for a particular discipline.
- Eastern Regional League Race: To encourage competing in regional races, anyone taking part in an external League race will be awarded bonus points. While the Rob McLean is a regional race, it is not counted as an external race.
- Tie Breaking: In the event of a tie the best result from the Rob McLean or Junior Club Duathlon race will be used as the decider: so it is important to take part in at least one of these! Should it be equal after this then it will be an equal first place.